Smart Contracts: The Future of Business and Finance Automation

4 min readJun 1, 2023


Greetings all, ready for another edition? With only 2 more editions left (1 including this one), we thought we should drop ‘Smart Contracts’.

Yes… Yes…, some of you know, maybe some of you don’t, but have you ever really deep dived into them. If not, be my guest… it's fascinating.

Lets go

Smart contracts are a unique application of blockchain technology that allows the creation of self-executing contracts. They are decentralized and autonomous. Unlike traditional contracts, which require intermediaries, smart contracts can automate an entire process, offering greater efficiency and security. The first smart contracts were envisaged and written on the Ethereum Blockchain. In an interview, Gavin Wood, one of the early Ethereum core developers and creator of Polkadot and Kusama, explained the concept of smart contracts with an analogy that goes like this: Imagine a ride hailing app that only executes payments when the customer has reached their destination. Everything happens automatically. The moment you join the vehicle, your wallet syncs with the driver’s wallet/autonomous vehicle system. The systems keep tracking your GPS coordinates and payment is made if and only if you reach your destination. That is a smart contract.

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of smart contracts, including their features, benefits, and potential use cases.


One of the most significant characteristics of smart contracts is their immutability. Once a smart contract is deployed on a blockchain, it becomes a permanent, unalterable record of the agreement made between the parties involved. This makes them more tamper-proof and fraud-resistant.


Another important feature of smart contracts is their decentralized nature. Rather than relying on a single central authority to validate and enforce the contract, like we have with TradFi, smart contracts are executed across a network of computers, ensuring greater resilience and reliability.

Where are Smart Contracts Used?

Smart contracts are being used across a wide range of industries to automate business processes and transactions. Some of the use cases for smart contracts are in Web3 Development, Supply Chain Management and the Legal Industry.

Web3 Development

Web3, also known as the decentralized web, is touted as the next evolution of the internet, which is built on decentralized technologies like the blockchain and decentralized applications (dApps). Unlike the traditional web, where data and control are concentrated in the hands of a few large corporations and centralized servers, Web3 is designed to be decentralized, open, and transparent.

DeFi is a subset of Web3. In DeFi, smart contracts are used to facilitate lending, borrowing, and trading of digital assets. Popular DeFi protocols like Uniswap and Aave leverage smart contracts. Also, all of StarkDeFi’s product offerings are achieved through smart contracts and that ensures that our users get very reliable services.

Smart contracts are used to create and manage Non Fungible Tokens(NFTs), which are unique digital assets that can represent anything from art to collectibles to virtual real estate. They form a significant part of Web3. NFTs are often used in gaming, digital art, and other online marketplaces.

Another important part of Web3 Development where smart contracts are useful is identity verification. They can be used to verify the identity of individuals without the need for a centralized authority. This is especially useful in situations where privacy is very important or where traditional forms of identification are not available.

Supply Chain Management

In Supply Chain Management, smart contracts can be used to track the movement of goods and ensure compliance with regulators. They help reduce the risk of fraud and increase accountability across the supply chain by creating a tamper-proof record of every transaction. These contracts can be set up automatically to only allow payments for some goods only when they’ve been verified and payments have been made.

Legal Industry

Another potential use case for smart contracts is in the legal industry. Smart contracts can be used to automate legal agreements, making the process faster, cheaper, and more efficient. They can also help reduce the risk of disputes, as the terms of the agreement are automatically executed only when certain conditions are met.

Benefits of Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are beneficial in so many ways. Since they are written to run on blochains, some of these benefits include increased efficiency, cost effectiveness, transparency and security.

They can significantly reduce the time and cost of traditional contract administration by automating the process of contract execution. They also eliminate the need for intermediaries, such as lawyers and banks, reducing transaction costs and increasing accessibility.

Another benefit of smart contracts is the increased transparency they offer. By creating a permanent record of every transaction, smart contracts can improve trust and accountability among all parties involved.

They also offer greater security because they are inherently resistant to fraud. If anything malicious happens with smart contracts, it will depend on inefficiencies in the contract code.

Final Thoughts

Smart contracts are a revolutionary technology that is transforming the way we do business. They have the potential to significantly reduce costs, improve global access to financial solutions, and increase accountability across a wide range of industries. As the technology continues to evolve and become more widely adopted, we can expect to see many new and exciting use cases for smart contracts emerge in the years ahead.

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